GPA chooses GLP Duque de Caxias with the participation of JLL
Real estate consultancy has mapped more than 20 sites of different providers around Rio de Janeiro.
GPA closed Built-to-Suit operation in Rio de Janeiro.
JLL's intense work over two years until the choice of GPA by GLP Duque de Caxias
The partnership with GLP has generated large transactions and awarded JLL as partner of the year in 2018.
Duque de Caxias is a traditional industrial and logistics center in Rio de Janeiro. The region where the Duque de Caxias Refinery and Petrobras are located attracts retailers, logistics operators and distributors from several segments. This includes GPA, which chose GLP Duque de Caxias for a built-to-suit construction after a survey conducted by JLL.
"It has been approximately two years of intense work, with several interested companies, in which we have supported GPA in surveying the options and technical visits. We defined the scope of the project together, involving the ideal region, the relevant technical specifications, and concluding with the analysis of proposals and negotiations in one of the main logistics projects in Rio de Janeiro," says Mauricio Nascimento, JLL Coordinator responsible for industrial locations in the State.
“JLL's biggest job was the survey. After that, the decision was easy. This is the benefit of using a specialized service in this type of decision. You have the assurance that you are looking at all the options in the market, from the perspective of those who understands the segment, which allows you to make the decision with a lower level of uncertainty.”
Approximately 160,000 m² of more than 239,000 m² of industrial leases intermediated by real estate consultants in Brazil in 2018 were in Rio de Janeiro. JLL's performance led to being awarded as GLP’s partner of the year, in addition to the recognition of GPA, which will occupy 100,000 m² in Duque de Caxias, for the service provided.
"JLL mapped more than 20 different provider sites around Rio and different stages of distribution and began to carry out a refinement, considering interesting locations and freight. This task of prospecting, mapping and qualitative technical analysis was so well done that our decision was clear," says Marcelo Arantes, GPA's Executive Director of Supply Chain.
This satisfaction is shared by Mauro Dias, President of GLP in Brazil. "We are very happy to contribute to the expansion of business for one of the largest Brazilian retail players through this," he stated. "GPA's decision to locate its operations at GLP Duque de Caxias, taken after a careful analysis of the market conducted by JLL, proves our dedication to our main objective: offering customers enterprises that are not only logistics warehouses, but modern and efficient solutions that contribute to the growth of their business. As such, we have developed facilities that combine a strategic location, complete infrastructure, flexibility and innovation," he added.
The presence of GPA consolidates Duque de Caxias as one of the most important Brazilian logistics centers and helps to drive the economy of Rio de Janeiro. The region had an available industrial inventory of 33.4% in the first quarter of 2019.